Millennial Civil Rights Campaign and Senator Donzella James Introduce Historic Resolution to Acknowledge Inhumanity of Slavery
Resolution calls for apology for slavery and Jim Crow
ATLANTA, GA – Millennial Civil Rights Campaign President Taos Wynn announced today that the Millennial Civil Rights Campaign has partnered with Senator Donzella James, 35th District, to introduce a historic resolution (S.R. 537) that calls for an apology for slavery and Jim Crow and reaffirms the state of Georgia’s commitment to freedom. If passed, such acknowledgement would be the first from the state’s governing institutions.
The resolution, drafted by the Millennial Civil Rights Campaign, reinforces the organization’s commitment to drive change on a local and national level in the areas of race relations, gun violence, individual rights, and financial insecurity.
“Racial reconciliation remains an urgent and pressing need in our communities and in the nation as a whole,” said Taos Wynn, President of the Millennial Civil Rights Campaign. “Failure to acknowledge such issues of morality only deepen the hurt of those most affected. Remaining silent on this issue perpetuates the idea that the injustice and inhumane treatment of Black people during slavery and Jim Crow was and still is acceptable. The path to racial reconciliation begins with an acknowledgement and apology for the past so that we may move forward with a better future.”
As the cradle of the Civil Rights Movement, Atlanta’s history is steeped in the fight for equality and economic opportunity. S.R. 537 cites an apology from Georgia’s governing institutions as integral in the process of developing a shared understanding and ensuring racial reconciliation among the citizens of Georgia. The resolution also states that an apology for centuries of brutal dehumanization and injustices can help racial healing and help Georgians confront the ghosts of their past.
“Senate Resolution 537 is important and necessary because as a former slave holding state, Georgia has never acknowledged the inhumane treatment of Black people during slavery and Jim Crow,” said Senator Donzella James. “This is hurtful, not only to blacks, but to all people who value the just and fair treatment of others. If we are seriously committed to valuing all Georgians, then we must not ignore this important step in racial reconciliation.”
The Millennial Civil Rights Campaign was launched in July 2019 on the 55th Anniversary of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and has received the support of Atlanta Civil Rights leaders, elected officials and community activists including Congressman John Lewis, Congressman Hank Johnson, Representative Park Cannon, Representative Marie Metze, and others. The campaign is not exclusive or solely beneficial to Millennial persons, perspectives, or efforts, and is focused on bringing all people (regardless of age, gender or lifestyle) together for the purposes of formulating and implementing meaningful solutions to the nation’s most pressing issues.
The objective of the Millennial Civil Rights Campaign is to successfully effect change for generations to come and lead humanity forward. The grassroots campaign seeks to produce the necessary outcomes of generational change and justice by disallowing the political, social, economic, and environmental issues of our generation to be inherited by the next. Additionally, the campaign’s nonviolent beliefs, unified approach, and programmatic solutions seek to both reflect and preserve the dignity of those they serve.
The Campaign encourages students, activists and community leaders interested in joining the campaign to register at
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