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Our Programs

The Justice Initiative 

The Millennial Civil Rights Campaign drafts and supports policy and legislative ideas that:

(1) reduce and prevent gun violence,

(2) alleviate the climate crisis,

(3) eliminate discriminatory practices,

and (4) promote justice and equality.​


Current Legislation

GA Senate Bill 349

Requiring local boards of education to provide free access to feminine products in student restrooms for grades 6-12th.

GA Senate Bill 350

Requiring state properties/facilities to provide free access to feminine hygiene products in restrooms.

GA Senate Bill 281

Gun Reform Bill (Safer Georgia Act): 
This bill was envisioned as a means of reducing the dangers of assault weapons and limiting possible mass shootings.

GA Senate Bill 280

Environmental Bill (Cleaner Georgia): 
The third piece of legislation is set to limit the use of single-use plastic bags to assist in creating a cleaner Georgia.

GA Senate Resolution 537

Resolution: Acknowledging the injustice and inhumanity of slavery and Jim Crow. Such an acknowledgement from the state of Georgia has never happened before making this resolution potentially historic.

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